Our Services

We Solve
The Biggest
Marketing Problems

Whether it’s reaching the right audience or improving brand awareness, we can help you.

Content marketing

Create content your ideal customers would love to read, share, and talk about.


Make your website search engines’ best friend and climb to the top in search results.

Video marketing

Educate and entertain your customers using videos that speak their language

Email marketing

Make emails a revenue generating machine by adopting industry best practices.

LinkedIn organic marketing

Publish thought-provoking content on LinkedIn to stay top of the mind of your ICP.

Graphic design

Create stunning designs that convey the value proposition of your solutions.

Performance marketing

Use Google and LinkedIn ads to attract, engage, and convert your dream customers.

Website management

Design, develop, and maintain websites that act as the true face of your business.

Our Services

We Solve
The Biggest
Marketing Problems

Whether it’s reaching the right audience or improving brand awareness, we can help you.

Content marketing

Create content your ideal customers would love to read, share, and talk about


Make your website search engines’ best friend and climb to the top in search results.

Video marketing

Educate and entertain your customers using videos that speak their language

Email marketing

Make emails a revenue generating machine by adopting industry best practices.

LinkedIn organic marketing

Publish thought-provoking content on LinkedIn to stay top of the mind of your ICP.

Graphic design

Create stunning designs that convey the value proposition of your solutions.

Performance marketing

Use Google and LinkedIn ads to attract, engage, and convert your dream customers.

Website management

Design, develop, and maintain websites that act as the true face of your business.

Naseef KPO on how AI is disrupting marketing.

31 March 2024

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed eget ante nisi. Aenean id nibh vulputate, blandit ipsum eu, fringilla ligula. Donec porta condimentum nisl a sagittis. Donec faucibus condimentum elit quis varius. Sed ac vehicula sem, et malesuada sem. Nam in aliquam metus.

Quisque volutpat suscipit tellus, vitae suscipit elit tincidunt ac. Vestibulum dignissim accumsan faucibus. Donec interdum condimentum est, nec ultrices elit accumsan at. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus.

Nulla pellentesque mauris quis eros congue, non ullamcorper elit rhoncus. In hendrerit tincidunt sodales. Sed ornare pretium leo nec tempor. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Pellentesque maximus nisl nec orci cursus, eget luctus ex fringilla. Maecenas sed ante lorem. Sed in enim ut nulla bibendum efficitur id sed turpis. Mauris gravida nunc nisi, nec hendrerit turpis rutrum eget. Mauris eleifend odio et nisi dignissim, interdum dignissim lorem vehicula. Pellentesque efficitur nulla ut ligula congue, sed pellentesque tortor aliquam.

Vestibulum scelerisque elit sit amet felis condimentum vehicula. Ut cursus nisl vitae dolor aliquam, eu ornare sapien molestie. Nullam pretium metus eu euismod malesuada?

Proin sit amet finibus augue, tristique lacinia nisl. Pellentesque vel magna vel tellus maximus ultricies vitae in magna. Aliquam condimentum lacus non orci consectetur placerat. Praesent at massa id felis tincidunt dignissim nec vitae justo. Sed laoreet ut justo eu feugiat. Sed sit amet erat ut lorem fringilla finibus. Vestibulum scelerisque elit sit amet felis condimentum vehicula. Ut cursus nisl vitae dolor aliquam, eu ornare sapien molestie. Nullam pretium metus eu euismod malesuada.

Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Nullam vehicula eros in suscipit fringilla. Aenean quis ex hendrerit, fringilla diam egestas, hendrerit nunc. Nunc at egestas magna. Nullam eu tempus ipsum. Pellentesque arcu mi, condimentum sit amet tincidunt eget, tristique sed turpis. Cras tempor mollis ultrices.

John Doe

Habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Nullam vehicula eros in suscipit fringilla. Aenean quis ex hendrerit, fringilla diam egestas, hendrerit nunc. Nunc at egestas magna. Nullam eu tempus ipsum. Pellentesque arcu mi, condimentum sit amet tincidunt eget, tristique sed turpis. Cras tempor mollis ultrices.

Table of contents

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Vestibulum vel felis tellus. Vestibulum ante ipsum.
Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing.
Sed lacinia, enim in lacinia convallis.

Want to elevate your marketing
with new-age tactics?

Marketing Insights


B2B Marketing in the AI Era – How to Adapt

AI is changing the way we operate in every industry, and marketing is no different. In this whitepaper, learn the various applications of AI in marketing – from content generation to email marketing and text-to-speech conversion. Also learn how B2B marketers should adapt and what an AI-led future looks like in marketing.


This article was originally published in the Elevate Your Marketing newsletter and has been repurposed and republished here with the author’s permission. Here is the link to the original article. 

“The customer is always right.”

We all grew up in the corporate world hearing this all the time. While this might not be technically correct, given that customers are the most important stakeholders for a business, this is a logical statement to make.

Hence, your marketing activities need to reflect what the market wants by incorporating customer feedback into them. In this blog post, I discuss various techniques using which you can ‘hear the pulse’ of your customer and tweak your marketing accordingly.

The fundamentals of integrating customer feedback into marketing

By customer feedback, I am referring to both customers and prospects. While prospects will give you a sense of how the market is, existing customers will have a deeper view of your business and marketing activities. Both can offer valuable inputs to improve your marketing efforts.

In addition, any interaction your customer or prospect makes with your business or content can be considered for gathering customer feedback (interaction with social media posts for example). Hence, you need to have a broader view and learn how to incorporate findings from all such touchpoints into your marketing activities.

How to collect customer feedback – in 8 ways

For you to take the right action, you need to know how to collect customer feedback first. Here are 8 ways in which you can do it:

  1. Customer interviews
  2. Customer feedback and survey forms
  3. Sales conversations
  4. Analyzing second-party intent or reviews
  5. Website traffic analysis
  6. Product usage analytics
  7. Social media sentiment analysis
  8. Content interactions

1. Customer interviews

Customer interviews are one of the best ways to know your customers. Here, you have the opportunity to ask specific and tailored questions to your customers to improve the quality of your products or services. You can also use the data to finetune your marketing efforts.

When it comes to conducting customer interviews, Ryan Paul Gibson, the founder of Content Lift has all the answers. Check out this podcast episode by B2B Power Hour where Ryan dives deep into the nuances of customer interviews.

2. Customer feedback and survey forms

Customer feedback and survey forms are similar to customer interviews. Only that you do these in the form of written customer feedback questionnaires. The B2B Power Hour podcast episode by Ryan covers the difference between customer interviews and surveys in detail. Do check it out.

3. Sales conversations

This is something most don’t consider as a source of marketing intel. However, whether you win the customer or not, sales calls are excellent sources of collecting customer feedback without them even knowing it.

As the marketing team, you can get insights from sales calls in a couple of ways:

  • Being a silent listener on these calls
  • Sharing a set of questions with the sales team to be asked on these calls and collecting responses either directly from the respective salesperson or from the recording of the call.

The former is the more effective of the two. However, it consumes a lot of your time. The latter might offer more challenges as for salespeople an activity like this adds to their burden.

So, what’s the way around?

The best way to overcome this is to use a sales and conversational intelligence tool like Gong.

Check out the below video to understand how the tool works:

One thing to note here is that Gong is built for salespeople and not marketers. So you need to distil the relevant information from the insights you get from the tool. You will also have to work closely with the sales team to get access to the data and add any qualitative inputs to the insights.

4. Analyzing second-party intent or reviews for customer feedback

Review websites like G2, Capterra, and TrustRadius give you feedback on what customers feel about your product. You can also look at what the customers of your competitors are talking about their products.

5. Website traffic analysis

We have discussed how to analyze website data in various other articles. In the context of collecting customer feedback, it mostly boils down to how they interact with different pages and elements of your website.

Following are some of the techniques and data points you can use to understand customer feedback on your website:

  • Heatmap analysis – uncovers insights on how good or bad the user experience on your website is (use tools like Microsoft Clarity or Hotjar for this).
  • Pagewise conversion rates – tells you which pages convert visitors into leads the most.
  • Pages with the highest time on page – tells you whether customers and prospects are interested in spending time on the page.
  • Most visited pages – gives you an idea about which pages are attracting the highest amount of traffic.
  • Accounts visiting your website (use customer feedback tools like ZoomInfo, LeadFeeder, or Factors AI to get this info).

There are many more metrics you can analyze to understand customer behavior on your website. However. the above 4 techniques should cover 80 to 90% of what you need.

6. Product usage analytics

Wondering how product usage analytics can help with marketing?

Here is the thing.

If specific features and modules of your product are used more compared to others, it means that they are more valuable to your customers. And if you revolve your messaging and content around them, there is a higher likelihood of you converting more customers. This is because if your existing customers love some features, there is a high chance that your future customers will.

7. Social media sentiment analysis to collect customer feedback

This is more relevant if you are a large brand with a lot of following and interactions happening on social media. The idea here is to use social listening tools like Brandwatch or Mention to understand what others are talking about your business on social media.

Also read: Top B2B Social Media Marketing Trends For 2024

You can look for data points such as:

  • Information on negative comments (this will help you improve your marketing and business in general).
  • Most frequent topics of discussion about your business and brand.
  • Types and formats of content you created that are performing the best on different social media platforms.
  • Data on time of activity and engagement on your content.

Have a look at the below article from Mention that talks about how social listening can help gather customer feedback that can be leveraged for business growth.

Social Listening: Harnessing Customer Feedback for Business Growth

8. Content interactions

This is basically all the interactions your customers and prospects have with content types that we haven’t discussed so far in this article. These include:

  • Video views and engagement
  • Email engagement and interactions
  • Asset downloads (ebooks, case studies, whitepapers, etc)
  • Ad performance
  • Newsletter-related metrics
  • Podcasts

Essentially, you analyze how the market is responding to the different types of content you are creating. Learn more about how to analyze content marketing performance from the below article:

Content Marketing Analytics – What It Is And How To Build A System For It

How to use customer feedback to improve your marketing

Now that we have learned the different techniques that can be used to collect customer feedback, let us look at how those insights can be put into action to finetune your marketing efforts.

Following are the ways in which you can do this:

  1. Refine your targeting, positioning, and messaging
  2. Create content that converts
  3. Optimize what matters
  4. Realign and reallocate marketing resources

1. Refine your targeting, positioning, and messaging

This is one of the first things you need to get right when it comes to your marketing strategy. You need to know who needs your solutions. You need to know how to position yourself in the market differently from the competition. You need to know how to convey your position right (which is nothing but messaging).

Let us understand this through an example. Imagine you are into selling a supply chain management software.

By analyzing the industry of the accounts visiting your website, you find out that the vast majority of companies are from the e-commerce space. Based on this information, you can do the following to refine your targeting, positioning, and messaging.

  • Run dedicated campaigns targeted at e-commerce companies across multiple channels.
  • Create a separate markets/industry page for e-commerce if you don’t already have one.
  • In your content, call out the unique differentiators you bring to the table for e-commerce companies.
  • Use terms specific to the e-commerce industry in your content and copy.

The above is just an example. Think about more ways in which you can incorporate customer feedback into targeting, positioning, and messaging.

2. Create content that converts

In the last section, we discussed different methods you can use to gather customer feedback based on content interactions. To make the best use of this data, you need to focus on creating content that converts followers and website visitors into leads.

For instance, if your content analysis tells you that your target audience is downloading more top-of-the-funnel content (such as ebooks and whitepapers) than bottom-of-the-funnel content (such as case studies and product documents), you need to invest a little more time into creating the former.

This is not to say that you ignore BOFU (Bottom Of The Funnel) content completely. It’s just that you might be able to bring more people to the funnel by using TOFU (Top Of The Funnel) content.

Similarly, extend this customer feedback analysis to all types of content that customers interact with and take actions based on how customers respond to them.

Related: B2B Content Marketing Strategy – 7 Mistakes To Avoid

3. Optimize what matters

Optimization in marketing is a huge topic. In the context of integrating customer feedback into marketing (and considering the customer feedback mechanisms we discussed earlier), following are some of the optimization techniques you can apply:

  • Optimize webpage layout and content based on the insights from heatmap analysis.
  • Improve the titles and descriptions of pages with low click rates (check out this edition of The Skalegrow Newsletter to learn more about this tactic).
  • Finetune your ads copy to reflect how different customer segments interacted with your ads (For example, imagine you ran multiple ads with different content types targeting e-commerce companies for your supply chain software. If you see that videos did better than images, use more of them in your ads).
  • If you find some elements of your email campaigns (such as subject line, preview text, and copy) performing better in certain campaigns, use more of them.

You could easily add more to the above. But you get the point here. Based on the feedback you receive from customers using different channels and methods, you optimize your marketing activities for better results.

4. Realign and reallocate marketing resources

Customer feedback at times can reveal shocking insights. Maybe a channel that you thought was performing well is not generating any demand for your business at all. So, do a ‘health check’ of your marketing activities by doing the following:

  • Focus more on the channels that are generating demand and revenue for your business. On the other hand, ramp down your efforts on channels that are not working (learn about marketing and revenue attribution methods here).
  • You might have to realign the responsibilities assigned to different marketing team members to make sure the team focuses only on activities that matter. You will also have to redefine the KRAs (Key Result Areas) and KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) of your team members accordingly.
  • Redistribute the marketing budget as needed.
  • Revisit your spending on marketing tools and technology.
  • Modify marketing objectives if required (for instance, if you find that customers care more about educational content, make it a key objective to create more of it in the future).

These 4 steps should help you cover almost everything you could potentially do when it comes to incorporating customer feedback into your marketing efforts.

Final words about collecting customer feedback

As in the case of everything else in marketing and business in general, learning to do something is not enough. You need to take action based on what you learned. So make sure you apply what you learned from today’s article. Feel free to make any necessary changes to the approach to ensure the framework discussed fits your business context.

Skalegrow – B2B brand marketing agency

With marketing getting tougher and tougher, every wrong foot you make might hamper your growth. What you need is the right guidance and a helping hand. This is where Skalegrow can make a sea of difference.

Skalegrow helps IT, tech, SaaS, and embedded systems companies leverage new-age marketing tactics to grow their business. Check out the below intro video to learn more about what Skalegrow brings to the table:

Brand marketing is one of the areas we specialize in. Whether it’s in the form of creating great content, crafting a unique positioning, or ensuring a consistent brand identity, we can help. Write to us at for more details.

About the author

Naseef KPO is the Founder and CEO of Skalegrow. He comes with rich experience across multiple areas of B2B marketing including content marketing, demand generation, SEO, account-based marketing, marketing analytics, revenue attribution, marketing technology, etc. He writes thought-provoking and relevant articles on The Skalegrow Blog and his weekly LinkedIn newsletter Elevate Your Marketing.

Prior to starting Skalegrow, Naseef led large marketing teams in multi-million dollar B2B organizations where he made significant contributions to the topline growth of the business. He has also appeared on numerous podcasts where he shared his thoughts on trending marketing topics such as the application of AI in marketing, startup marketing, ABM, and B2B content marketing, just to name a few. Being the founder of Skalegrow, he is currently focusing on helping its clients stay ahead of their competition by using innovative yet practical marketing tactics.

You can connect with Naseef KPO on LinkedIn.


In this video, Naseef KPO, Founder & CEO of Skalegrow, highlights the common mistakes many make when starting out and provides practical tips to avoid them. By learning from these blunders, you can improve your video content, increase engagement, and build a stronger online presence.

Join us as we dive into the mistakes you should avoid to make your video marketing efforts more successful.


What constitutes a B2B marketing plan? What are the different elements you should include in it? Should you include all the marketing channels or only a select few? Get answers to these questions and ease your process of creating a B2B marketing plan with this easy-to-use template. 


In today’s fast paced world, professionals at all levels, from individual contributors to C-suite executives, are constantly seeking original research reports. These reports serve multiple purposes: validating assumptions, forecasting future trends in areas like hiring, economic shifts, and technological advancements, and providing credible insights on common business challenges or unique case studies.

Why B2B Marketing Companies should consider Original Research Reports?

Below are the reasons why I strongly believe B2B companies should create research reports:

  1. Brand Enhancement: Research reports can significantly boost engagement on social media, increase downloads, and generate discussions about your company among clients and industry leaders.
  2. Thought Leadership: By exploring niche topics or providing clear explanations for complex issues, your organization can establish itself as a trusted authority in the field.
  3. SEO Advantages: Creating content on less-explored topics can improve your search engine rankings, especially for specific industry queries.
  4. Lead Generation: Reports have proven to be more effective in generating leads and demand compared to some traditional marketing channels.
  5. Return on Investment: While they require time and effort, the investment in terms of money on research reports is often minimal compared to large-scale events, potentially offering better returns.
  6. Data Collection: Gated reports provide an opportunity to gather valuable information from prospects and industry professionals.

Creating an Impactful B2B Original Research Report: A Step-by-Step Guide

Drawing from my experience in conceptualizing and creating various research reports from scratch, here’s a comprehensive guide:

1. Topic Selection – Identify key challenges and future trends in your industry. Shortlist 4-5 topics and finalize one after thorough discussion with your team and feedback from senior stakeholders.

2. Audience Identification and Data Collection Method – Determine the target segment that can provide the necessary information. Consider one-on-one interviews, focused group discussions, and/or surveys (Pro Tip: Keep surveys concise with multiple-choice questions and not more than 5 options per question. Allow readers to type in additional inputs if they have selected the “Other” option. Aim for surveys that take no more than 5 minutes to complete).

3. Data Gathering – Allow 1-2 months for outreach and data collection. Set clear goals for minimum response numbers and timeframes. Utilize emails, social media, and targeted outreach to gather responses and send reminders.

4. Report Structure – Organize your report to include:

  • Foreword from a respected industry leader (internal or external)
  • Methodology
  • Executive summary
  • Quotes from reputable sources that can be used throughout the report
  • Core content divided into logical subsections
  • A strong conclusion with key takeaways and future recommendations

5. Content Development – Allocate 3-4 weeks for writing. Ensure the content is forward-looking and engaging. Incorporate data creatively using highlights, bullet points, tables, and key takeaways in each section.

6. Design and Layout – Invest in professional design. Each page should feature a relevant graphic or infographic. Maintain a balance between text and visual elements.

7. Publication and Promotion – Develop a comprehensive marketing plan:

  • Pre-launch: Provide sneak peeks on social media, reach out to top-tier news outlets for PR opportunities.
  • Launch: Coordinate social media campaigns, email distribution to all clients, internal communications, and media outreach.
  • Post-launch: Continue social media engagement, repurpose content into blog posts and infographics, and consider hosting webinars or events based on the insights from the report.

As someone who has created reports from scratch, I can vouch for the satisfaction of seeing the impact both within and outside the organization. We’ve observed tangible increases in leads and revenue and brand value directly attributable to our research reports.

I encourage you to explore B2B original research reports as a means to differentiate your organization from competitors. It’s an excellent opportunity to showcase your expertise and contribute valuable insights to your industry.

About the author

This article has been contributed by Ekta C Shetty. Ekta is a seasoned B2B SaaS marketing professional with over 6 years of experience, specializing in product marketing, digital strategies, and content creation. She has also developed go-to-market strategies, executed product launches, and driven revenue growth across global markets in her roles. She has worked in both startup and corporate environments. You can connect with Ekta on LinkedIn here.

E Book

Unconventional lead generation techniques

Lead generation is challenging. With almost all B2B businesses using the same methods, standing out and grabbing attention has become all the more difficult. That’s why we have created this ebook. It explores 9 unconventional B2B lead generation techniques that will help you become the purple cow in the sea of sameness. 

These techniques are aimed at helping you develop a new perspective and inspire you to try something new and exciting when it comes to generating demand and leads for your business. 


Marketing Professional Services – How To Stand Out

The professional services industry is built on trust and confidence. Hence, the marketing strategy of these businesses should also reflect the same. In this webinar, listen to Naseef KPO and Rati Acharya as they discuss how to do marketing right for professional services companies. From choosing the right channel to standing out, learn all the tips and tricks you need to know. Tune in at 7:30 PM IST on Dec 18th, 2024.

Marketing Insights


B2B Marketing in the AI Era – How to Adapt

AI is changing the way we operate in every industry, and marketing is no different. In this whitepaper, learn the various applications of AI in marketing – from content generation to email marketing and text-to-speech conversion. Also learn how B2B marketers should adapt and what an AI-led future looks like in marketing.


This article was originally published in the Elevate Your Marketing newsletter and has been repurposed and republished here with the author’s permission. Here is the link to the original article. 

“The customer is always right.”

We all grew up in the corporate world hearing this all the time. While this might not be technically correct, given that customers are the most important stakeholders for a business, this is a logical statement to make.

Hence, your marketing activities need to reflect what the market wants by incorporating customer feedback into them. In this blog post, I discuss various techniques using which you can ‘hear the pulse’ of your customer and tweak your marketing accordingly.

The fundamentals of integrating customer feedback into marketing

By customer feedback, I am referring to both customers and prospects. While prospects will give you a sense of how the market is, existing customers will have a deeper view of your business and marketing activities. Both can offer valuable inputs to improve your marketing efforts.

In addition, any interaction your customer or prospect makes with your business or content can be considered for gathering customer feedback (interaction with social media posts for example). Hence, you need to have a broader view and learn how to incorporate findings from all such touchpoints into your marketing activities.

How to collect customer feedback – in 8 ways

For you to take the right action, you need to know how to collect customer feedback first. Here are 8 ways in which you can do it:

  1. Customer interviews
  2. Customer feedback and survey forms
  3. Sales conversations
  4. Analyzing second-party intent or reviews
  5. Website traffic analysis
  6. Product usage analytics
  7. Social media sentiment analysis
  8. Content interactions

1. Customer interviews

Customer interviews are one of the best ways to know your customers. Here, you have the opportunity to ask specific and tailored questions to your customers to improve the quality of your products or services. You can also use the data to finetune your marketing efforts.

When it comes to conducting customer interviews, Ryan Paul Gibson, the founder of Content Lift has all the answers. Check out this podcast episode by B2B Power Hour where Ryan dives deep into the nuances of customer interviews.

2. Customer feedback and survey forms

Customer feedback and survey forms are similar to customer interviews. Only that you do these in the form of written customer feedback questionnaires. The B2B Power Hour podcast episode by Ryan covers the difference between customer interviews and surveys in detail. Do check it out.

3. Sales conversations

This is something most don’t consider as a source of marketing intel. However, whether you win the customer or not, sales calls are excellent sources of collecting customer feedback without them even knowing it.

As the marketing team, you can get insights from sales calls in a couple of ways:

  • Being a silent listener on these calls
  • Sharing a set of questions with the sales team to be asked on these calls and collecting responses either directly from the respective salesperson or from the recording of the call.

The former is the more effective of the two. However, it consumes a lot of your time. The latter might offer more challenges as for salespeople an activity like this adds to their burden.

So, what’s the way around?

The best way to overcome this is to use a sales and conversational intelligence tool like Gong.

Check out the below video to understand how the tool works:

One thing to note here is that Gong is built for salespeople and not marketers. So you need to distil the relevant information from the insights you get from the tool. You will also have to work closely with the sales team to get access to the data and add any qualitative inputs to the insights.

4. Analyzing second-party intent or reviews for customer feedback

Review websites like G2, Capterra, and TrustRadius give you feedback on what customers feel about your product. You can also look at what the customers of your competitors are talking about their products.

5. Website traffic analysis

We have discussed how to analyze website data in various other articles. In the context of collecting customer feedback, it mostly boils down to how they interact with different pages and elements of your website.

Following are some of the techniques and data points you can use to understand customer feedback on your website:

  • Heatmap analysis – uncovers insights on how good or bad the user experience on your website is (use tools like Microsoft Clarity or Hotjar for this).
  • Pagewise conversion rates – tells you which pages convert visitors into leads the most.
  • Pages with the highest time on page – tells you whether customers and prospects are interested in spending time on the page.
  • Most visited pages – gives you an idea about which pages are attracting the highest amount of traffic.
  • Accounts visiting your website (use customer feedback tools like ZoomInfo, LeadFeeder, or Factors AI to get this info).

There are many more metrics you can analyze to understand customer behavior on your website. However. the above 4 techniques should cover 80 to 90% of what you need.

6. Product usage analytics

Wondering how product usage analytics can help with marketing?

Here is the thing.

If specific features and modules of your product are used more compared to others, it means that they are more valuable to your customers. And if you revolve your messaging and content around them, there is a higher likelihood of you converting more customers. This is because if your existing customers love some features, there is a high chance that your future customers will.

7. Social media sentiment analysis to collect customer feedback

This is more relevant if you are a large brand with a lot of following and interactions happening on social media. The idea here is to use social listening tools like Brandwatch or Mention to understand what others are talking about your business on social media.

Also read: Top B2B Social Media Marketing Trends For 2024

You can look for data points such as:

  • Information on negative comments (this will help you improve your marketing and business in general).
  • Most frequent topics of discussion about your business and brand.
  • Types and formats of content you created that are performing the best on different social media platforms.
  • Data on time of activity and engagement on your content.

Have a look at the below article from Mention that talks about how social listening can help gather customer feedback that can be leveraged for business growth.

Social Listening: Harnessing Customer Feedback for Business Growth

8. Content interactions

This is basically all the interactions your customers and prospects have with content types that we haven’t discussed so far in this article. These include:

  • Video views and engagement
  • Email engagement and interactions
  • Asset downloads (ebooks, case studies, whitepapers, etc)
  • Ad performance
  • Newsletter-related metrics
  • Podcasts

Essentially, you analyze how the market is responding to the different types of content you are creating. Learn more about how to analyze content marketing performance from the below article:

Content Marketing Analytics – What It Is And How To Build A System For It

How to use customer feedback to improve your marketing

Now that we have learned the different techniques that can be used to collect customer feedback, let us look at how those insights can be put into action to finetune your marketing efforts.

Following are the ways in which you can do this:

  1. Refine your targeting, positioning, and messaging
  2. Create content that converts
  3. Optimize what matters
  4. Realign and reallocate marketing resources

1. Refine your targeting, positioning, and messaging

This is one of the first things you need to get right when it comes to your marketing strategy. You need to know who needs your solutions. You need to know how to position yourself in the market differently from the competition. You need to know how to convey your position right (which is nothing but messaging).

Let us understand this through an example. Imagine you are into selling a supply chain management software.

By analyzing the industry of the accounts visiting your website, you find out that the vast majority of companies are from the e-commerce space. Based on this information, you can do the following to refine your targeting, positioning, and messaging.

  • Run dedicated campaigns targeted at e-commerce companies across multiple channels.
  • Create a separate markets/industry page for e-commerce if you don’t already have one.
  • In your content, call out the unique differentiators you bring to the table for e-commerce companies.
  • Use terms specific to the e-commerce industry in your content and copy.

The above is just an example. Think about more ways in which you can incorporate customer feedback into targeting, positioning, and messaging.

2. Create content that converts

In the last section, we discussed different methods you can use to gather customer feedback based on content interactions. To make the best use of this data, you need to focus on creating content that converts followers and website visitors into leads.

For instance, if your content analysis tells you that your target audience is downloading more top-of-the-funnel content (such as ebooks and whitepapers) than bottom-of-the-funnel content (such as case studies and product documents), you need to invest a little more time into creating the former.

This is not to say that you ignore BOFU (Bottom Of The Funnel) content completely. It’s just that you might be able to bring more people to the funnel by using TOFU (Top Of The Funnel) content.

Similarly, extend this customer feedback analysis to all types of content that customers interact with and take actions based on how customers respond to them.

Related: B2B Content Marketing Strategy – 7 Mistakes To Avoid

3. Optimize what matters

Optimization in marketing is a huge topic. In the context of integrating customer feedback into marketing (and considering the customer feedback mechanisms we discussed earlier), following are some of the optimization techniques you can apply:

  • Optimize webpage layout and content based on the insights from heatmap analysis.
  • Improve the titles and descriptions of pages with low click rates (check out this edition of The Skalegrow Newsletter to learn more about this tactic).
  • Finetune your ads copy to reflect how different customer segments interacted with your ads (For example, imagine you ran multiple ads with different content types targeting e-commerce companies for your supply chain software. If you see that videos did better than images, use more of them in your ads).
  • If you find some elements of your email campaigns (such as subject line, preview text, and copy) performing better in certain campaigns, use more of them.

You could easily add more to the above. But you get the point here. Based on the feedback you receive from customers using different channels and methods, you optimize your marketing activities for better results.

4. Realign and reallocate marketing resources

Customer feedback at times can reveal shocking insights. Maybe a channel that you thought was performing well is not generating any demand for your business at all. So, do a ‘health check’ of your marketing activities by doing the following:

  • Focus more on the channels that are generating demand and revenue for your business. On the other hand, ramp down your efforts on channels that are not working (learn about marketing and revenue attribution methods here).
  • You might have to realign the responsibilities assigned to different marketing team members to make sure the team focuses only on activities that matter. You will also have to redefine the KRAs (Key Result Areas) and KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) of your team members accordingly.
  • Redistribute the marketing budget as needed.
  • Revisit your spending on marketing tools and technology.
  • Modify marketing objectives if required (for instance, if you find that customers care more about educational content, make it a key objective to create more of it in the future).

These 4 steps should help you cover almost everything you could potentially do when it comes to incorporating customer feedback into your marketing efforts.

Final words about collecting customer feedback

As in the case of everything else in marketing and business in general, learning to do something is not enough. You need to take action based on what you learned. So make sure you apply what you learned from today’s article. Feel free to make any necessary changes to the approach to ensure the framework discussed fits your business context.

Skalegrow – B2B brand marketing agency

With marketing getting tougher and tougher, every wrong foot you make might hamper your growth. What you need is the right guidance and a helping hand. This is where Skalegrow can make a sea of difference.

Skalegrow helps IT, tech, SaaS, and embedded systems companies leverage new-age marketing tactics to grow their business. Check out the below intro video to learn more about what Skalegrow brings to the table:

Brand marketing is one of the areas we specialize in. Whether it’s in the form of creating great content, crafting a unique positioning, or ensuring a consistent brand identity, we can help. Write to us at for more details.

About the author

Naseef KPO is the Founder and CEO of Skalegrow. He comes with rich experience across multiple areas of B2B marketing including content marketing, demand generation, SEO, account-based marketing, marketing analytics, revenue attribution, marketing technology, etc. He writes thought-provoking and relevant articles on The Skalegrow Blog and his weekly LinkedIn newsletter Elevate Your Marketing.

Prior to starting Skalegrow, Naseef led large marketing teams in multi-million dollar B2B organizations where he made significant contributions to the topline growth of the business. He has also appeared on numerous podcasts where he shared his thoughts on trending marketing topics such as the application of AI in marketing, startup marketing, ABM, and B2B content marketing, just to name a few. Being the founder of Skalegrow, he is currently focusing on helping its clients stay ahead of their competition by using innovative yet practical marketing tactics.

You can connect with Naseef KPO on LinkedIn.


In this video, Naseef KPO, Founder & CEO of Skalegrow, highlights the common mistakes many make when starting out and provides practical tips to avoid them. By learning from these blunders, you can improve your video content, increase engagement, and build a stronger online presence.

Join us as we dive into the mistakes you should avoid to make your video marketing efforts more successful.


What constitutes a B2B marketing plan? What are the different elements you should include in it? Should you include all the marketing channels or only a select few? Get answers to these questions and ease your process of creating a B2B marketing plan with this easy-to-use template. 


In today’s fast paced world, professionals at all levels, from individual contributors to C-suite executives, are constantly seeking original research reports. These reports serve multiple purposes: validating assumptions, forecasting future trends in areas like hiring, economic shifts, and technological advancements, and providing credible insights on common business challenges or unique case studies.

Why B2B Marketing Companies should consider Original Research Reports?

Below are the reasons why I strongly believe B2B companies should create research reports:

  1. Brand Enhancement: Research reports can significantly boost engagement on social media, increase downloads, and generate discussions about your company among clients and industry leaders.
  2. Thought Leadership: By exploring niche topics or providing clear explanations for complex issues, your organization can establish itself as a trusted authority in the field.
  3. SEO Advantages: Creating content on less-explored topics can improve your search engine rankings, especially for specific industry queries.
  4. Lead Generation: Reports have proven to be more effective in generating leads and demand compared to some traditional marketing channels.
  5. Return on Investment: While they require time and effort, the investment in terms of money on research reports is often minimal compared to large-scale events, potentially offering better returns.
  6. Data Collection: Gated reports provide an opportunity to gather valuable information from prospects and industry professionals.

Creating an Impactful B2B Original Research Report: A Step-by-Step Guide

Drawing from my experience in conceptualizing and creating various research reports from scratch, here’s a comprehensive guide:

1. Topic Selection – Identify key challenges and future trends in your industry. Shortlist 4-5 topics and finalize one after thorough discussion with your team and feedback from senior stakeholders.

2. Audience Identification and Data Collection Method – Determine the target segment that can provide the necessary information. Consider one-on-one interviews, focused group discussions, and/or surveys (Pro Tip: Keep surveys concise with multiple-choice questions and not more than 5 options per question. Allow readers to type in additional inputs if they have selected the “Other” option. Aim for surveys that take no more than 5 minutes to complete).

3. Data Gathering – Allow 1-2 months for outreach and data collection. Set clear goals for minimum response numbers and timeframes. Utilize emails, social media, and targeted outreach to gather responses and send reminders.

4. Report Structure – Organize your report to include:

  • Foreword from a respected industry leader (internal or external)
  • Methodology
  • Executive summary
  • Quotes from reputable sources that can be used throughout the report
  • Core content divided into logical subsections
  • A strong conclusion with key takeaways and future recommendations

5. Content Development – Allocate 3-4 weeks for writing. Ensure the content is forward-looking and engaging. Incorporate data creatively using highlights, bullet points, tables, and key takeaways in each section.

6. Design and Layout – Invest in professional design. Each page should feature a relevant graphic or infographic. Maintain a balance between text and visual elements.

7. Publication and Promotion – Develop a comprehensive marketing plan:

  • Pre-launch: Provide sneak peeks on social media, reach out to top-tier news outlets for PR opportunities.
  • Launch: Coordinate social media campaigns, email distribution to all clients, internal communications, and media outreach.
  • Post-launch: Continue social media engagement, repurpose content into blog posts and infographics, and consider hosting webinars or events based on the insights from the report.

As someone who has created reports from scratch, I can vouch for the satisfaction of seeing the impact both within and outside the organization. We’ve observed tangible increases in leads and revenue and brand value directly attributable to our research reports.

I encourage you to explore B2B original research reports as a means to differentiate your organization from competitors. It’s an excellent opportunity to showcase your expertise and contribute valuable insights to your industry.

About the author

This article has been contributed by Ekta C Shetty. Ekta is a seasoned B2B SaaS marketing professional with over 6 years of experience, specializing in product marketing, digital strategies, and content creation. She has also developed go-to-market strategies, executed product launches, and driven revenue growth across global markets in her roles. She has worked in both startup and corporate environments. You can connect with Ekta on LinkedIn here.

E Book

Unconventional lead generation techniques

Lead generation is challenging. With almost all B2B businesses using the same methods, standing out and grabbing attention has become all the more difficult. That’s why we have created this ebook. It explores 9 unconventional B2B lead generation techniques that will help you become the purple cow in the sea of sameness. 

These techniques are aimed at helping you develop a new perspective and inspire you to try something new and exciting when it comes to generating demand and leads for your business. 


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The professional services industry is built on trust and confidence. Hence, the marketing strategy of these businesses should also reflect the same. In this webinar, listen to Naseef KPO and Rati Acharya as they discuss how to do marketing right for professional services companies. From choosing the right channel to standing out, learn all the tips and tricks you need to know. Tune in at 7:30 PM IST on Dec 18th, 2024.