Refund policy

Refund terms and conditions

Skalegrow offers refund to its customers only under the following conditions:

  • If the refund is requested before the initiation of a project (a project initiation will be confirmed by email after necessary formalities like signing the contract, making the advance payment, etc., are completed)
  • If the first payment date is within 15 days of the refund request.
  • A refund will be processed only if both the above conditions are met. There might be cases where only a partial refund is available. This usually happens because of acquiring assets and allocating resources to a project. Such scenarios will be managed on a case-to-case basis.

Also, a payment receipt is required for us to accept the refund request.

Processing of refunds

Once approved, your refund will be processed within 5 to 7 business days. After initiation, it might take a few days to process the payment. By any chance, if you didn’t receive the payment after the processing period, please check with your bank. If still there is an issue with respect to receiving your refund, please contact us at